Thursday, February 18, 2010

Civil Rights, Schmivel Rights!

Friends, I haven't posted since August. I just started a new job that I absolutely love so far, and I'm 100% ready for Spring/baseball season to begin. I guess the reason that I haven't posted anything in so long is that I've been completely uninspired. Until today.

I am so sick and tired of people telling me that gays shouldn't be married because marriage is a "religious constitution" and "only between a man and a woman" and that by letting gays marry it would be "making a mockery" of the standards of God/religion/The Bible.

Marriage is a "religious constitution" huh? Hmmmmm. You mean the same marriage that was around LONG BEFORE The Bible was written by men? Those same men who thought that it was perfectly fine to marry off their young virgin daughters to disgusting men for gold, silk and cattle? You mean the same marriage that rulers used as nothing more than a show of power and to effectively seal trade deals? You mean the same marriage that back before The Bible was written, husbands looked at their "wives" as nothing more than trophies/property and notches in their corporate ladders? You mean that "religious constitution?" Well that's just fantastic!

If marriage is such a "religious constitution" and you believe in the set standards of marriage according to what's written in The Bible, then why not just shut the middle-man out altogether? Since people don't seem to believe in that whole "ALL men are created equal" nonsense that our civil rights were solely based on, and the government (as biased as it is) should butt out 100% of the time, let's no longer let people get married in courts and government owned/run/operated justices anymore. If marriage is such a "religious constitution" let's just give it to them! Right? Let's ONLY let the churches run and decide who gets married and who doesn't. Let's hold EVERY SINGLE PERSON who wants to marry to the SAME skewed dictation of The Bible. That would mean that NO couple would get any of the 1,200+ benefits that are made available to them by the government when they say their vows.

Oh wait. What's that? Divorce you say? Things just aren't working out anymore in your marriage? Well, sorry about that. Divorce would require lawyers/judges and legal dictation. The government has NOTHING to do with marriage. Remember? You're not allowed to re-marry unless you can prove that your spouse is cheating or has died. Sorry. Have a nice day!

Oh, you say you want to get married but you've already had pre-marital sex. Well you've decreased the value of your commitment haven't you? You'll have to have a third-class marriage. What? You're a married couple that watches pornography? Well now you're just making a mockery of your vows. Lust is sinful, ESPECIALLY lusting after another in your committed state. You're going to have to get on your knees now and repent or be punished!

WHAT?! NO WAY?! YOU'RE MARRIED AND HAVING SEX BUT YOUR SEXUAL ACTIVITY IS NOT MEANT TO REPRODUCE?!!! I'm sorry, but sex is NOT for pleasure you twisted soul! That is a sin and now you're making a complete mockery of your "religious constitution." A woman's vagina is a clown-car baby machine, NOT a toy. Women are property of their husband and NOTHING more. Oh, by the're NOT allowed to touch her during her period either. She must be quarantined because she is unclean.

Oh, before I you have enough sheep and ~doubloons~ to pay for my virgin daughter? No? Well then you're wasting my time! Get the hell out of here!... ;-)

Yep...that just sounds absolutely wonderful doesn't it? I mean, considering that more than half of the people who constantly whine and bitch about "the mockery of their religious constitution" are the same people who don't even attend church and "rest" on Sundays as The Bible repeatedly tells you that you must do. Sorry. I have to call bullshit. I MUST call bullshit.

How about you "not judge UNLESS ye be judged" and tell us all the REAL reason that you don't want two people of the same gender to wed. We ALL know the answer. You simply don't like the mechanics in which the two of them have sex. Period. You think that it's gross. Well, I can tell you that it's a good thing that we don't live in glass houses my friends because not only would you be forced to watch what they do behind closed doors in the privacy of their own homes, but you'd be killed when you had to swallow all of the shards that you broke from casting your stones.

Just remember, WE ALL live in a nation that is indivisible and ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL...well, just as long as they live their lives according to The Bible...and own enough cattle to pay for that said equality.

I'm out.

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