Monday, March 1, 2010

If There is Any Attempt for Either Contestant to Cheat, Especially with My Wife, Who is a Dirty, Dirty Tramp, I am just Gonna Snap.

Hey hey! Today is a big day here at Webby Files HQ. It's the first day of March folks, and this here third month of the calendar year is probably my personal favorite. Not only does it seem to signify the end of the worst part of the winter months, with March, comes better weather, better moods, baseball and the NCAA tournament. Not to mention, longer amounts of daylight, St. Patrick's Day, and finally, a month that we can ALL pronounce (is it Feb-U-ary or Feb-RU-ary? will never know). All wonderful things in my book (and I have one hell of a book). Let's just say, these days, all you'll find is smiles around the Webby Files offices!

A friend of mine (and loyal Webby Filesite...thanks for the support brother) sent me a very interesting article the other day that he pulled from All this article did was give me fuel and confirm long lasting suspicions/opinions that I've carried with me for a long time. Now granted, we all know that more often than not you can basically trust a "study" about as far as you can throw it, BUT since this particular study happens to piggy-back/coincide with my personal beliefs, I'm going to go ahead and perceive it as 100% factual. That's how I roll :)

-Evolutionary Psychologist Satoshi Kanazawa has found that political, religious and sexual behaviors are direct reflections of one's intelligence.

Now, let's be honest. I think that if I were to read that headline in front of fifty random people from various economic/ethnic/religious backgrounds, they would unanimously agree that that said statement makes perfect sense to them. An individual's beliefs/opinions on any of the three aforementioned subjects definitely reflects their compositive intelligence. Agreed? Agreed. Cool. Here's where it gets fun (for me...and maybe you?).

Kanazawa found that liberal, atheist and monogamous individuals consistently have higher IQ's than their counterparts. What's that? You mean people who are socially progressive/liberal that don't believe in something as ridiculous as religion, and who's sole purpose isn't to have sex with every Tom, Dick and Harry (or Tonya, Denise and Harriet) are actually SMARTER than conservative/republican, religious sluts/whores/cheaters? Seriously? In Adam Sandler's voice: "I am the smartest man alive!"

Are Mr. Kanazawa's findings really that surprising to you? They're not to me. Think about it. Dating back thousands of years ago, kings/dictators/leaders used religion as a scare tactic to keep their constituents in line so they would never conceivably consider banding together and revolting against their corrupted ways of running things. They knew that by setting these rules and by literally putting "the fear of God" into them, they could basically do whatever they wanted. Take slavery for example. I've never understood why the majority of African-Americans are vowed Christians. It was the white Christians that captured them, took them by ship to America, brainwashed them into believing in Christianity, and then used them as slaves. Yet after all of that, you're STILL going to believe in these people's religion? Wow. Jews and Muslims kill each other every day. Catholics scoff at Scientologists and Mormons for their beliefs, yet every Sunday they drink the "blood of Christ" and eat the "body of Christ" (not to mention they revere the Pope as some kind of supreme it the hat?...AND with that being said, Scientologists and Mormons ARE nuts!) More and more religious people continue to blow themselves up and crash planes into buildings everyday, yet I'm supposed to be surprised that they're not as smart as atheists? Hilarious.

Religion is nothing more than fairy tales used to keep the dumb in line. Period. If you need to feel the comfort of an organized cult (for lack of a better word, even though that is PRECISELY what it is), then more power to you. You have the right and believe me, we can still be friends (not that you'd want to be friends with a "heathen" like myself). Just know that dinosaurs existed (if you believe in the bible, the existence of dinosaurs is a contradiction to your beliefs), there never was an arc that contained two of every species (I shouldn't have to explain this), and NO ONE has ever risen from the dead (if I told you that my grandfather rose from the dead you'd laugh at me and call me crazy, this is no different). Sorry. Hate to break it to you, but people who believe in RATIONALISM are smarter than you. Period. Ben Franklin, George Washington, Thomas Paine, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln and Ulysses S. Grant (all non-believers) are rolling over in their respective graves knowing that their country is so "God-crazy."

As far as the liberals being smarter than conservatives according to the study. I believe that this directly correlates with the religion aspect. Right-wing conservatives tend to be very religious while left-wing liberals are not. That's why the liberals had higher IQ's in the study. If you took religion out of the equation, I think that you'd find that liberals and conservatives as a whole are equally intelligent. Did I just call conservatives intelligent?

Finally, when it comes to the issue of monogamy, I'm sorry but I just don't have an answer for you. That's right! For the first time in my life, I'm responseless! John F. Kennedy, Bill Clinton, Tiger Woods, Mark Sanford, John Ensign, John Edwards...ALL very intelligent men. I don't think that anyone would argue with that. They're also ALL unfaithful cheaters who desecrated their respective marriages by acting like man whores. Period. There's really nothing more that I can offer on that subject, because it really doesn't seem to add up. Sorry.

So what did we learn today folks? Well, in my opinion we learned that people who simply won't accept everything that is passed on to them over generations of traditions, and who actually take the time to read/think/learn about history and theology are ABSOLUTELY smarter than those who don't. It's that simple. If you want to be considered an intelligent and functional human being in our society, then BE A FREE THINKER. OPEN YOUR EYES and make this world a better place with your education and rational thought process. Religion is scary, divisive and promotes much more evil (homophobia, racism, sexism, violence) than good. I can't stress that enough. You can still be a very good person without believing in fairy tales. Believe me, millions are doing it.

Thanks for checking out my page of words and again, happy March everybody! Hit me up on facebook or in the comments section of this blog. Right now I'm listening to "Bastards of Young" by The Replacements. One of my all-time favorite bands/songs. Drinks of choice: Tacate in a can. We had a Mexican fiesta last night. Always fun.


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